Colfax California’s new monument sign is immediately off Highway 80 and South Auburn Street. Designed and fabricated by Grass Valley firm Solace Graphics the design includes both railroad tracks and Colfax’s new brandmark. Community input and supervised volunteer efforts contributed to this key project.
Colfax City Manager Wes Heathcock led the community outreach team. Martin Jones, the Director of Public Works, oversaw the construction of this project for the City of Colfax.
Solace Graphics handled project management services and installation of the sign while Andrew Cossairt of Alpine Construction completed the structural and decorative metal fabrication. Steve Simpson of Simpson & Simpson, Inc. managed the grading, excavation, and installation of the sign’s structural footing. The City of Colfax brand mark was completed in 2019 by Thumbler Agency of Grass Valley.
“It’s exciting to see a community come together and do something that will have a lasting impact and really enhance a functional traffic roundabout. I appreciate being able to facilitate this monument sign and hope it sets the stage for Colfax’s ongoing main street redevelopment,” comments Ken Teichmann of Solace Graphics.
Call Ken at 530-477-9966 to discuss your sign needs—from traditional signs, portable sandwich boards, and wayfinding signs—Solace Graphics helps you develop signs that increase business.